Matthew Bialick
Direct: 952-239-3095
Email: Matthew@mjblawmn.com
Matt Bialick is a banking and commercial law attorney who provides litigation, transactional and advisory support to banks and businesses.
For his bank clients, Matt provides legal assistance with respect to the entire lending and collection process, including:
- Drafting all manner of loan documents.
- Negotiating forbearance agreements and workout plans upon initial default.
- Bringing lawsuits and obtaining judgments, decrees and/or receiverships.
- Pursuing traditional and complex post judgment collections.
- Protecting lender rights in debtor bankruptcies.
- Uncovering and litigating borrower fraud, fraudulent transfers and conversion.
- Handling loan participation disputes.
- Managing inter-creditor disputes that arise with other banks, service providers and statutory lien creditors.
For his business clients, Matt focuses on commercial litigation, mergers and acquisitions, and a variety of commercial transactions.
Professional Licensure
Matt has been licensed to practice law in Minnesota state and federal courts since 2008. Matt is also licensed to practice law in Iowa.
Educational Background
Matt graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Minnesota law school. In law school, Matt was a managing student editor of the Constitutional Commentary law journal. Prior to law school, Matt attended the honors program at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management where Matt graduated first in his class, Summa Cum Laude and with High Distinction.
Other Affiliations
Matt is a current board member and chair of the development committee for the Conservation Corp of Minnesota and Iowa and is a former member of the Legislative Committee for Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota.
Speaking Background
Matt has given numerous presentations, seminars and webinars through the Minnesota Bankers’ Association, Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota, the Commercial Finance Association of Minnesota, the Minnesota Continuing Legal Education Center and directly to banks, businesses and financial institutions.
A list of recent presentations includes the following
- Ag Lending and Workout Issues (seminar through Minnesota Bankers’ Association).
- Understanding Garnishments and Levies (seminar through Minnesota Bankers’ Association).
- Successfully Navigating the Farmer Lender Mediation Process (webinar through the Minnesota Continuing Legal Education Center).
- Hot topics in Agricultural Lending for the Harvest, 2018 and Beyond (webinar through Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota).
- Common Legal Issues Faced by New Bankers (seminar through Minnesota Bankers’ Association).
- Effectively Analyzing Borrower Financial Documents in an Agricultural Workout Context (webinar through Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota).
- Effectively Utilizing Chapter 12 Bankruptcy as an Agricultural Workout Tool (webinar through Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota).
- Effectively Protecting Agricultural Collateral in a Workout Context (educational video through Minnesota Bankers Association).
- Effectively Navigating the Farmer Lender Mediation Process (educational video through Minnesota Bankers Association).
- Effectively Dealing with Agricultural Workout Issues in a Troubled Marketplace (webinar through Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota).
- Financing Issues Surrounding High Tech Companies (presentation for Commercial Finance Association of Minnesota).
- Proactively Handling Workout Issues in a Pre-Litigation Context (presentation for Commercial Finance Association of Minnesota).
- Successfully Managing Troubled Livestock Credits (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- Successfully Navigating Through Farmer Bankruptcies (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- Properly Servicing and Liquidating Distressed FSA Guaranteed Loans (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- Properly Renewing Agricultural Loans in a Troubled Economy (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- Forecasting the 2018 Economic Outlook for Farmers and their Lenders (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- Assessing the Emergency Aid Program, ARC-CO Payments and Crop Insurance Payments for 2018 (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- Actions Your Ag Bank Can Take Today to Protect Itself in a Troubled Economy (M|J|B Law Agricultural Webinar Series).
- The Essential Agricultural Toolbelt (Seminar through Minnesota Bankers Association).
A list of recent publications includes the following
- A 10,000 Overview of Agricultural Bankruptcies (Article published in MBA News).
- A Storm on the Farm: What Every Creditor’s Remedies Attorney Needs to Know About the Agricultural Downturn (Article published in Bench & Bar of Minnesota).
- The Legal Implications of the Q1 Rally in Commodities Prices (Article published in MBA News).
- Matthew's Linkedin Feed